Should I use EndNote Online/Web?
Answered By: Aicha Bahij
Last Updated: Aug 15, 2022 Views: 699
Answered By: Aicha Bahij
Last Updated: Aug 15, 2022 Views: 699
Using EndNote Online/Web (or similar software) is a very personal decision. Although it can do a lot of repetitive and boring work automatically for you, to use it effectively you need to learn how to use the software, and the basics of your referencing style, to ensure that you are entering the correct data into EndNote.
- Foundation (level 3) students: EndNote Online/Web is unnecessary at this level of study.
- Undergraduates: We recommend that you consider using EndNote Online for your dissertation or long project. However, it is useful rather than necessary. Courses that include a dissertation or long project (and most Health courses) usually have a workshop on using EndNote Online timetabled in the second or third year. If you cannot see this in your timetable, please contact your subject librarian.
- Masters students: We recommend that you consider using EndNote Online, especially for your dissertation or long project. However, it is not compulsory. Most Masters courses that include a dissertation or long project (and most Health courses) usually have a workshop on using EndNote Online timetabled. If you cannot see this in your timetable, please contact your subject librarian.
- PhD students and research-active staff: We strongly recommend using a bibliographic management tool such as EndNote to keep track of your sources and save time. At this level, we recommend that you use EndNote Desktop (currently version X9) rather than the online/web version alone. Please see the EndNote for Researchers webpage for further advice.
Regular introductory EndNote Online/Web workshops take place throughout the year, see the Workshops timetable. There is also a lecture capture of a workshop on our EndNote help page.
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