EndNote has justified/centred all or some of my references, so the words are stretched across the row. How do I stop that happening?
Answered By: Aicha Bahij
Last Updated: Jul 20, 2020 Views: 5168
Answered By: Aicha Bahij
Last Updated: Jul 20, 2020 Views: 5168
When the Endnote reference list centres itself despite all efforts to the contrary, it's due to a hidden Style in Word. To fix this you need to change the style:
- Click the Home tab in Word and find the styles window
- Click the arrow at the bottom right of the styles window
- Look for a style called Endnote Bibliography or Endnote reference
- If it is not there, click Options
- In the pop-up window, change the Select styles to show option to All styles. Click OK to close the pop-up
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Endnote Reference (also called Endnote Bibliography)
- Choose Modify
- Change the paragraph setting from centred to left-justified. You can also adjust settings such as font size.
- To make more detailed changes to any formatting, click the drop-down arrow next to Formats
There is a screencast to show this process at
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