I cannot directly export references from Summon / databases. I am using a Mac (or another non-Windows device), or I have a temporary problem with exporting. How do I export references to my EndNote Web Library?
Answered By: Louise Dawson
Last Updated: Jan 19, 2021Views: 156
Generate the .ris export file as usual. Do not click on the file or Open it, but Save the file to an easily-accessed location such as your Downloads folder (Chrome will save the file here automatically);
In Endnote Online, choose Collect, and then Import references;
Browse your folders for the downloaded file;
Choose Refman RIS as your import option.
HINT: You can set Refman RIS to be a favourite so you do not have to select this every time. Next to Import option click Select favourites. Browse down to Refman RIS and click Copy to favourites;
Choose a group into which to import the references (or choose Unfiled);